5 Social Responsibilities of All Road Users for Road Safety

5 Social Responsibilities of All Road Users for Road Safety

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Road safety is not a sole responsibility of the government, agencies and NGOs. To reduce the road carnage, road traffic crashes and improve the status of road safety, everybody must accept responsibility.

All road users: motorists, cyclists, passengers and pedestrians must take responsibility.  All road users must accept responsibility for road safety. The social responsibilities of all road users for road safety must be known to all people—children and adults.

When all road users take the mantle to accept responsibility for road safety, it will enhance road safety. To start with, here are 5 social responsibilities of all road users for road safety.

  1. Always Look Around You

Sometimes we become adamant to our environment and that is the number one cause of road accidents. Pedestrians have to look on the road well before crossing, drivers have to look around well before turning and cyclists have to look around well before crossing. Taking caution and looking around will help improve road safety.

  1. Follow Traffic Regulations

Following traffic regulations is not for fun—but for road safety. A simple patience and caution to follow road traffic signals can go a long way to reduce road accidents and improve road safety. By following traffic signals, there will be order and sanity on the road.

  1. Follow Road Signs

Road Signs cannot be left out in our quest to reduce road safety. Road signs guides motorists, cyclists and pedestrians on how to conduct themselves in every area of the road. It gives indicators of animals crossing, pedestrian crossing, highway entrance, approaching dangers which when followed regularly will ensure road safety.

  1. Follow the Horizontal and Vertical Mapping on the Road

There are lines on the road that ensures that all road users stick in their lanes while using the road. All drivers must learn to drive in their lane. All cyclists must learn to ride on the right lanes. And all pedestrians must learn to walk along the pavements. Recklessness sets in when road users desist from following the horizontal and vertical mapping on the road.

  1. Wear Sit Belts and Stick to Speed Conditions

Drivers must learn to put on always put on their seat belt always. It is however amazing how many drivers neglect to put on seat belts and gets arrested by the police for not putting on their seat belt. Apart from that it is important to stick with the required speed limit and speed conditions when driving.

When the above social responsibilities of all road users for road safety are put in action consistently, it will go along away to ensure peace and harmony on the road.

You can contact Eureka Technical Services Limited for more information!

We are a security and safety limited company focused in ensuring road safety has all that you need to ensure road safety! Contact us for all your road safety needs: Speed Warning Systems, Car Alarms, Digital Speed Governor with Record and Online Tracking and Vehicle Tracking System.

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