Check Engine Light: What is Its Purpose on the Dashboard?

Check Engine Light: What is Its Purpose on the Dashboard?

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The advent of modern technology has made it easy to track and monitor the health of vehicles on regular basis. Vehicle manufactures have installed certain electronic signaling system to keep drivers aware of the state of their vehicles.

One of the electronic signaling systems is the check engine light.

The check engine light is simply a warning device that detects problems with the car’s engine and other related parts. The check engine light has not been set on the dashboard by the manufactures for no reason.

The check engine light often pops out with blinking or steady light when there are issues concerning the vehicle’s engine system. The lights are normally yellow, red or orange depending on the type of vehicle. The colors often vary from vehicle to vehicle.

So when you’re driving and then suddenly the check engine lights pops up what does it mean?

It indicates one of the following:

  1. Poor fuel economy of the car
  2. Emitting of pollutants from the car’s system
  3. Problem with the electronic control system
  4. Problems with the engine speed and conditions

The check engine system has a trouble code that records the main issue that led to the popping up of the light. With an electronic scan tool, your mechanic can find the main issue with the engine. But when the light shows up, you have to know that there’s an issue with the vehicle’s engine system.

So what do you do?

Well, here are some few things you must do before seeing your auto mechanic.

  1. Check on the dashboard gauge
  2. Check and tight the vehicle’s gas cap well
  3. Reduce your level of speed

If any of the above isn’t working well, the best thing to do is to call on your mechanic for a check up on vehicle’s engine system and resolve the problem.

You can contact Eureka Technical Services Limited for more information!

We are a security and safety limited company focused in ensuring road safety has all that you need to ensure road safety! Contact us for all your road safety needs: Speed Warning Systems, Car Alarms, Digital Speed Governor with Record and Online Tracking and Vehicle Tracking System.

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