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So what is fleet management?

Well, fleet management is simply the management of commercial and private vehicles focused on controlling costs, mitigating risks and improving profitability with regards to using vehicles. Fleet management is an important function in both private and commercial companies.

If you run a company that owns and manages multiple vehicles, fleet management must be one of your corporate functions. Transport companies cannot but inculcate fleet management into their operational functions.

Basically, there are 8 fleet management functions to take care of:

  1. Vehicle Financing
  2. Vehicle Tracking
  3. Vehicle Diagnostic
  4. Vehicle Maintenance
  5. Safety Management
  6. Fuel Management
  7. Driver Management
  8. Speed Management

Vehicle Financing

This is the first fleet management function. It involves all kinds financing ranging from purchasing, regular maintenance, legal compliance and fueling of vehicles.

Vehicle Tracking

In a world of improper driver conducts, theft and vehicle abuses, you can’t do without a vehicle tracking device. Vehicle tracking devices help to check the location, time, direction and speed of a vehicle at any particular point in time.

Vehicle Diagnostics

Regular and timely check up on vehicle safety is important for preventing road accidents. Advanced fleet management systems connect to the vehicles engines and inbuilt computer to gather data on regular basis on vehicle diagnostics.

Vehicle Maintenance

Vehicle Maintenance entails all that is required to fix and repair damages that the vehicle may incur in the process of time. The brakes, clutches, tires, engine system and many others can be addressed through regular diagnostics and maintenance.

Vehicle Safety Management

As the vehicle maintenance system handles and manages the health of the vehicle, the GPS tracking system helps to ensure the safety of the vehicle. This includes reducing the risk of theft, driver irresponsible conducts and many others.

Fuel Management

Managing fuel level is crucial in protecting the company’s bottom line. Advanced Fleet Management Software helps in managing fuel levels by connecting the fuel levels to the real driving time and locations. This helps track and prevent vehicle idling and fuel abuses.

Driver Management

Managing the behaviors and conducts of the drivers is key in fleet management. GPS Fleet Management Software help track the vehicle, the speed location, fuel usage, distance, location and many others enabling fleet managers to regulate the behaviors of their drivers.

Speed Management

Over speeding kills! All drivers should know about that by now. This is why speed governors are key in managing and controlling speed levels of commercial and private vehicle to prevent over speeding and reckless driving which lead to road accidents.

With the help of proper fleet management software all these functions can be properly managed. Managing fleet can also be done in-housed with the right tools or outsourced to fleet management firms to ensure efficiency.

You can contact Eureka Technical Services Limited for more information!

We are a security and safety limited company focused in ensuring road safety has all that you need to ensure road safety! Contact us for all your road safety needs: Speed Warning Systems, Car Alarms, Digital Speed Governor with Record and Online Tracking and Vehicle Tracking System.

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Eureka Technical Services Limited

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